Welcome to Girls First Initiative! We focus on championing and amplifying the voices of girls.
Girls First InitiativeGirls First InitiativeGirls First Initiative
9:00 am - 05.00pm
First Floor A Wing 12622
Girls First InitiativeGirls First InitiativeGirls First Initiative



Around the world, finding a job is much tougher for women than it is for men. According to the International labor organization (ILO) in Tanzania 72% of all male graduates in a year have a high chance of being employed while only 47% of female ones are. Besides the lower employment  rates, women are also disadvantaged in the types of position they engage in. A higher proportion of female workers compared to male workers are employed in temporary and part-time jobs and in low-paid sectors and occupations.

Employment jet is skills development program where we train female graduates essential skills that match the job market requirements, and that will make them competent and competitive to face it.

The program ensure  each year we select 150 female graduates to train them on  the basic academic knowledge on, critical thinking and personal skills necessary to attain and  maintain employment .Skills like  professional  writing and effective and assertive communication skills are essential for optimal job performance ,the ability  to think and make sound decisions is essential while looking for a job and increase productivity during the employment period. 

We believe a graduate who possesses personal qualities such as punctuality, work ethic and a friendly and cooperative attitude are highly likely to be employed and when in the role can  perform their tasks honestly and have respect for their coworkers and superiors. Our goal is to increase the women employment rate to 70% by the end of 2025.

Our Programs

Contact Detials

  • Plot 1064 Kangaroo Street, Mikocheni B, 2 Kona St, Dar es Salaam
  • Call Us Today: +255745273954
  • info@girlsfirstinitiative.org

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)