In Tanzania, many girls face challenges when it comes to understanding and managing their menstrual cycles. Limited access to information and resources often leads to confusion and stigma around menstruation.
Our Hedhi yangu Mzunguko wangu offline track booklet aims to bridge this gap by providing comprehensive information on menstrual health, hygiene practices, and period tracking methods.
With this booklet, girls will have a tangible tool to help them understand their bodies and navigate their menstrual cycles more confidently.
By empowering them with knowledge, we believe we can contribute to breaking down barriers and promoting menstrual health and hygiene in our community.
The potential impact this project can have on the lives of young girls in Tanzania truly inspires us. We hope you enjoy using this tool as we did while creating it.
Are you a girl looking for simple tools to help you in tracking your period? We are happy to hear from you. Please fill out the form to download the tool.
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No one would ever say that growing up is easy. In the best of circumstances, everyone experiences a period of self-discovery, a period of coming to terms with physical changes, and a period of growing pains (both literal and metaphorical). Teenage girls need resources to help them translate information and tools to help them create secure spaces for themselves. Mimi ni nani means “Who am I?” in Swahili, and this journal is designed to assist teenage girls find out who they are by encouraging them to reflect on their own lives from a variety of angles and draw wisdom from their experiences.
The diary is intended to help girls aged 9 to 17 recognize their strengths and make use of their opportunities at school, at home, and in their communities, as well as to assist them in asserting their autonomy, developing healthy relationships with others, and achieving their goals. This journal is the first of many tools that we are developing to help young women navigate through adulthood in their lives. We believe this self-development booklet will help girls to create self-space for themselves. Do you want to discuss more about the journal or other tools that we are developing? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through
We believe this self-development booklet will help girls create self-space for themselves, Do you want to discuss more about the journal or other tools that we are developing? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through
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Adolescent girl
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A parent or youth
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