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Sanaa Project – Human Rights, Freedom of Expression, and Cultural Rights.

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  • Sanaa Project – Human Rights, Freedom of Expression, and Cultural Rights.

Girls First Initiative believes that the language of art is universal, and attracts and empowers human beings around the world more than any other means of communication. GFI collaborates with Artist to use art  as the most powerful and joyful medium to promote the universal values of human rights. Specifically, the Human Rights Education Series gives the beneficiaries a strong overall vision of what are Human Rights and how Artists and Journalists can advocate to them through their specific ways. GFI  aims at :

  1. Debate about the relationship between arts, media and human rights, and the potential of such a relationship
  2. Explore models of collaboration between arts, media and human rights actors;
  3. Identify how arts and media could contribute to work in promoting human rights.
  4. To explore the role art and media can play to restrain or violate rights.

Throughout history, art has changed and evolved in the community. Artists have used art to express what they see in the community, whether it is good or bad. Despite its evolution, the arts are not far behind human rights, because human rights must be involved whenever there is freedom of expression. Artists and other creatives push boundaries, inspire, and entertain. Their work generates social energy, condense, and engagement, which can improve the lives of many people. Their creative expressions and innovations drive development processes that broaden people’s options and inspire them to imagine alternative futures. As a result, they help to advance the universal values of peace, democracy, human rights, fundamental freedoms, gender equality, and the rule of law.

According to the 2005 convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expression, artistic freedom is a prerequisite for creativity. Restrictions on artistic freedom and access to a diversity of artistic expressions generate major cultural, social and economic losses. It deprives artists and cultural professionals of their means of expression and livelihood, and creates an unsafe environment for audiences. The Convention recognizes that the diversity of cultural expressions can only be promoted if human rights and fundamental freedoms are guaranteed. 

In order to jointly create opportunities and lower barriers for artists and journalists, particularly those who are from underrepresented groups, the Girls First Initiative, Nafasi Art Space, and Tanzania Bora Initiative joined forces to form SANAA PAMOJA Consortium. SANAA PAMOJA seeks to create a welcoming intervention that unites individuals with various self-identifications, life experiences, and backgrounds.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)