Welcome to Girls First Initiative! We focus on championing and amplifying the voices of girls.
Girls First InitiativeGirls First InitiativeGirls First Initiative
9:00 am - 05.00pm
First Floor A Wing 12622
Girls First InitiativeGirls First InitiativeGirls First Initiative


Big Sister, Little Sister is a mentoring program that aims to improve girls’ access to education and career planning by mentoring young girls both in and out of school. In addition, the program aims to address the traditions, customs, norms, and negative perceptions that keep underprivileged girls from pursuing their dreams.

The program includes both Little Sisters (girls in and out of school) and Big Sisters (young women in universities or young women with careers). Big Sisters and Little Sisters are matched based on shared interests and personality and career goals. Little Sisters will be paired with Big Sisters on a weekly basis based on mutual interests, personality similarities, and groups they belong to, giving matches the opportunity to pursue activities that they both enjoy. Sessions in which the stories of the girls are told will also be used to inspire and motivate others to change their attitudes and transform the community.

In partnership with Global Youth Mobilization, we launched the Big Sister, Little Sister Program. In October 2022, we selected 10 young women from different fields who will be “Big Sisters” throughout the program and be matched with the little sisters to help them through the self-discovery journey. We held two days of training sessions with the mentors, known as “Big Sisters,” to help them build capacity in their journey to mentor the younger sisters. The training sessions included going over and working intensively on the journal, “MIMI NI NANI?” which is a key accessory for the mentors, “Big Sisters,” in helping the mentee “girls in and out of school” understand and face the various challenges that girls and women face in various places. 

At Girls First Initiative, we believe mentorship is an important tool and a two-way process for making one’s vision a reality. Mentors are expected to guide and advise their mentees in order to assist them in establishing a successful career. Because mentoring is a two-way street (mutual benefit)  both the mentor and the mentee will benefit from the experience.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)