Welcome to Girls First Initiative! We focus on championing and amplifying the voices of girls.
Girls First InitiativeGirls First InitiativeGirls First Initiative
9:00 am - 05.00pm
First Floor A Wing 12622
Girls First InitiativeGirls First InitiativeGirls First Initiative

About Us

Welcome. We’re
Girls First Initiative.

The Girls First Initiative (GFI) in Tanzania is a non-profit organization that advocates for and elevates the voices of young women and girls, particularly those who are vulnerable to sexual harassment. The organization’s mission is to defend women and girls’ constitutionally guaranteed rights. GFI works to eliminate the social and economic conditions that make girls more susceptible to sexual assault, including the lack of access to health services, education, and economic opportunity.

Our Mission

To promote and amplify the girl's voice and choices through encouraging access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, entrepreneurship skills, and innovation training.

Our Vision

A society in which young women have complete control over their lives, are immune to sexual assault, and live in an environment free from harassment and abuse.

Our Key Objectives

To promote economic empowerment through entrepreneurship and life skills, facilitating their employability, and advocating for their rights.
Our Uniqueness

Our Core Values

Our main purpose is to ensure that the voices of the young people and especially girls in our societies are amplified.

Innovation and creativity

Our work ethic is modeled by innovation and creativity, We commit to cutting-edge practices and novel approaches. We take a human-centered approach in identifying, designing, and executing our projects using digital tools. Our team use creativity to help girls and young women unlock their potential and take in information more quickly. By facilitating non-linear thought, we improve the effectiveness of the learning processing and remove the barriers posed by established mental routines or patterns.

Partnership & Influencing

GFI work in Collaboration with a wide range of partners to propel innovative and efficient solutions to girls issues. Because of our commitment to girls and young women development. GFI is actively involved in shaping and sustaining the ecosystem that includes all the relevant parties in order to accelerate positive change.

Inclusion and teamwork

To carry out its mission, GFI ensures that all people, regardless of age, gender, sex, disability, economic status, or ethnicity, are fully included and can actively participate in the organization's processes and activities. We coordinate our efforts with those of our partners to ensure that both sets of objectives are met. Each individual on a team works to the best of his or her ability and contributes knowledge, experience, and abilities to the overall effort.

We create

We create new audiences through male engagement and inspire them to act now for gender justice causes beyond the traditional women’s roles and norms, fighting…

We nurture

We provide mentorship to enhance the decision-making process and the evaluation of future Consequences of Present Actions for Self and Others.

We transform

We transform the way the community looks and underrate the capability of girls in their society by promoting economic empowerment through entrepreneurship and life skills…


Girls in their late teenage years, between the ages of 16 and 19, are at a pivotal point in their lives. The opportunities they have in life are heavily influenced by how much time and effort they put into learning and which subjects they focus on the most. Realizing one’s goals in life and one’s career is a powerful motivator for students to work hard in school. In turn, girls’ hopes and ambitions are shaped not only by their natural abilities but also by factors such as their upbringing, social circle, and family dynamics, as well as their exposure to and understanding of the working world. In short, students can’t become what they can’t see.
Through mentorship, innovation, and long-term solutions, Girls First Initiative (GFI) helps girls realize their full potential. Adolescent girls and young women are a priority for us, and we work with them in a respectful manner to improve their quality of life by providing them with opportunities, resources and tools, mentorship and coaching services, and more. As part of our efforts to fulfill our mission, GFI collaborates with a wide range of partners to implement innovative strategies that will ensure the protection of Tanzania’s young women and girls.

Bahati Mgogwe

Founder & Executive Director

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)